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Terrorism essays

Terrorism essays

terrorism essays

 · February 15, by Prasanna. Essay on Global Terrorism: Global Terrorism indicates to the ubiquity of terrorism and terror modules at various important locations worldwide. Global terrorism works through extremist terror groups, sponsored mostly by Islamic clerics and countries. The only agenda they have is to change the entire world into a state of fear and idealistic agenda Essay on Terrorism. Words2 Pages. Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals Terrorism According to Chomsky terrorism can be defined as “the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to attain political or religious ideological goals through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear.” (). The terms terrorist or terrorism are relatively new, even though it

Essay On Terrorism - Essay For Teachers and Students []

In the most comprehensive sense, terrorism is an intentional use of indiscriminate violence as a mechanism to create terror or fear in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological objective.

Terrorism is a form of asymmetric warfare, terrorism essays. It is the use of violence against innocent civilians or non-combatants. The nuisance of terrorism is as old as the Roman Empire.

The roots and practice of terrorism can be traced back at least to the first century AD. The word terrorism itself was used for the first time to describe the acts of the Jacobin Club during the reign of terror in the French Revolution. It is pursued in order to achieve such clearly stated foreign policy objectives. Massive-scale state-sponsored terrorism reemerged in international politics in the s and s.

Now, along with religious terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism has greatly altered the design of terrorist attacks around the world. Since its independence, India has been having the same problems from Pakistan. Ideology-oriented terrorism is typically categorized into two: left-wing and right-wing terrorism.

It is violence against the ruling class, mostly by the lower classes, motivated by leftist ideology. These include the Red Army faction or the Baader Meinhof Gang in former West Germany, the Red Brigades in Italy, the Maoist groups in India and Nepal.

Right-wing groups tend to seek to protect the status quo or to terrorism essays to some past situation that they feel should have been preserved. Examples of this include: fascism in Italy, nazism in Germany, white supremacist movements in the USA known as the Ku Klux Klan KKK, terrorism essays. Terrorist groups are notably motivated by religion. Religious terrorism is more destructive in nature. These groups are motivated either in whole or terrorism essays part by a religious imperative that considers violence as a sacred duty.

The theology of ISIS is in accordance with the Wahabi theological ideology. Terrorist activities are used to aid in crime and criminal profit.

For instance, in narco-terrorism, narcotics traffickers attempt to influence the terrorism essays of the Government by systematic threat or use by violence. It is deliberate violence by a subnational ethnic group to advance its cause. Such violence usually focuses either on the creation of a separate state or on the elevation of the status of one ethnic group over others.

Tamil Nationalist groups in Sri Lanka, insurgent groups in North East India, and the Khalistan movement are terrorism essays of ethnonationalism terrorist activities. There are many reasons which make people or a group terrorist. Those reasons are political, religious, terrorism essays, poverty, and lack of education, terrorism essays.

Terrorism essays main cause of terrorism is perceived socio-political or historical injustice and a belief that violence terrorism essays lead to change. People who choose this path when they have been stripped off their land or rights are denied the same. Examples- Hamas group of Palestine, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTEterrorism essays, Maoists and the United Liberation Front of Assam ULFA.

Terrorist groups use a specific religious ideology to inspire people to join terrorist groups. For example, ISIS and Al-Qaeda use Islamic ideology making people follow them. Terrorism essays people who join terrorist groups are illiterate and poor. Terrorism can spread like a virus in vulnerable and marginalized communities.

These people can easily be pursued by terrorism groups, terrorism essays. A lack of employment and unequal growth encourages unemployed youth to indulge in criminal acts and narcotics. However, the above arguments are partially true. So, terrorism is not always a result of illiteracy and poverty. Because of the increasing population and decreasing resources, intolerance is growing terrorism essays society.

Increasing globalization of the society come to transcend national boundaries spreading terrorism. The terrorism essays anti-terrorism legislation and misplaced judicial activism are somehow also responsible for growing terrorism. There are terrorism essays inadequacies in the state apparatus namely weaknesses in the intelligence structure -human as well as technical, inadequate modernization of police paramilitary forces and the Armed Terrorism essays, unimaginative media management and coverage, reactive response, and slow government decision-making lack of clear strategy and policy on internal security.

In the Indian context, the reasons over the past few years have been numerous. Our consolidation as a secular, terrorism essays, terrorism essays, and democratic state is still evolving and the fundamentalist forces often exploit a diversity of our multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.

Role of technology Terrorism is spreading fast in the modern era as technology is now available to conduct acts of terrorism essays and the targets of terrorism are more widespread than ever before. Sophisticated means of communications such as electronic media, print media, social media, and the Internet terrorism essays terrorists to quickly promote their ideology and hate campaign and exploit cyber terrorism.

There are secure and encrypted messaging apps like Telegram. It is the very messaging platform at Isis used to claim responsibility for attacks, terrorism essays. For instance, the PlayStation primarily is terrorism essays gaming device. Experts believe that ISIS terrorists use PlayStation to communicate. One can send private messages via the PlayStation Network. The FBI and the CIA believe that potential terrorists have been communicating via these networks.

This level of sophistication is worrying. Terrorism essays the Christchurch massacre of New Zealand, the attack was not reported by bystanders or by security cameras at mosques. This had been live-streamed by the shooter himself on Facebook.

This report is annually released by the Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace. As per this report, India as the seventh-worst terrorism affected the country. Most of these attacks were perpetrated by the Hizbul Mujahideen HMJaish-e-Mohammad JeMand Lashkar-e-Taiba LeT, terrorism essays.

India is suffering from ethno-nationalist, religious, left-wing, and terrorism essays. This leads to a heavy influx of drugs and arms, terrorism essays. India has a hostile neighbor in the form of Pakistan with a land border of 3, kilometers, terrorism essays. Pakistan sponsors state terrorism and fundamentalist forces, particularly through its inter-services intelligence, also known as ISI.

Also, India has unresolved border issues with China. And China has active military and nuclear cooperation with Pakistan. India shares a contiguous and terrorism essays border with smaller SAARC nations such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. Accompanying problems such as illegal migration and smuggling in terrorism essays border belt and resulting social tensions create a conducive environment for terrorism.

India has a long sea border of more than seven thousand kilometers prone to pirating and smuggling. Terrorism has no religion Another troubling trend is that the so-called war on terror is seen as a war against Islam. This is irrational and dreadful for Muslims, as they now face religious discrimination and are socially disadvantaged.

Nothing could be more explicit than this. So, the entire mythology of the spread of Islam through the sword is unjustified.

There is no sanctity of the Koran to spread the faith with the sword. If it was about religion, Christchurch would not have happened. Brenton Tarrant was a white supremacist and part of the alt-right. The dark face of terrorism neither has religion nor nationality. The religious interpretation is idiosyncratic. There are other political and social factors.

These things are complex and this is where nuance is necessary, terrorism essays. Human cost. According to ourworldindata, terrorism essays. orgover the past decade, terrorists killed an average of 21, people worldwide each year.

Terrorism accounted for 0. Schools have been bombed and burned in Gaza, Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, and elsewhere across the world in the last decade. Teachers were killed, and students were recruited as child soldiers.

Foreign investment. Terrorism affects FDI in many ways. Terrorism leads to insecurity and uncertainty in the country. This causes a lack of trust in foreign investors, forcing them to divert their resources from the host country to other, peaceful countries, terrorism essays. Costly security measures decrease the returns terrorism essays FDI. Terrorism also harms local infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and communications.

It prohibits foreign investment by raising the costs of doing business. Domestic investment. Terrorism also reduces domestic investment as it becomes difficult for domestic investors to invest in a terrorism essays environment. In addition, public investment is also severely damaged as government projects such as roads, highways, terrorism essays, canals, dams, bridges, terrorism essays, highways, hospitals, and school construction also brought to an end in the presence of terrorist activities, terrorism essays.

Tourists usually avoid visiting the city that has been attacked. Terrorism essays tourism-dependent economies, terrorist attacks can hit even harder.

A recent example is Sri Lanka Easter bombing, terrorism essays. Sri Lanka has made significant progress thanks to a tourism boom post year civil war ended. However, the Easter bombing changed the picture. Among those killed in bombings terrorism essays 45 foreigners.

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Terrorism Essay Examples (Causes and Effects) l Free Argumentative Essays and Research Papers

terrorism essays

 · Terrorism is the broadest sense and use of intentional violence for religious and political purposes. Terrorism is the act that purpose is to create fear among people by illegal means. Terrorism is basically the threat towards humanity and it includes group or single person spreading riots, rapes, violence, bombings, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Essay Terrorism Topics to Write About. [Post information was updated in July, ] Terrorism is a way to achieve, either by one person or a group of individuals, the intended goal, by using force to frighten civilians, or creating danger that causes the death of a person or damage to property, both personal and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism International Law Essay “I firmly believe that terrorism must be confronted in a manner that respects human rights law. Insisting on a human rights-based approach and a rule of law approach to countering terrorism

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