Monday, May 31, 2021

Short essay on indian culture

Short essay on indian culture

short essay on indian culture

When writing an essay on Indian culture, one should place a special emphasis on cultural values. A truly unique Indian tradition is touching feet of elders. This way, young people show their reverence to elders. However, the person whose feet one touches should be older or have significant spiritual blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · The culture of India refers to a collection of minor unique cultures. The culture of India comprises of clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art in India. Most noteworthy, Indian culture has been influenced by several foreign cultures throughout its history. Also, the history of India’s culture is several millennia old. Components of Indian CultureEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins  · 'Indian culture' is the Mother of all cultures, be it art of living or apparently the rich knowledge of Science and Music. All the regions and religions of the world have their own culture with many customs, traditions and refined blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min

Essay on Indian Culture for Children and Students

Every culture is unique. It has its traditional values, religion, dance, festivals, music, and cloth. This topic involves abundant number of information because it is almost unlimited. Indian culture is one of the oldest. This country always had an urban civilization. Astonishing cultural diversity throughout whole country makes one to be amazed. Could you imagine that the South, North, and Northeast of India have their own traditions and culture, short essay on indian culture.

It is incredible thing to observe such immense variety in culture within one country. Indian cuisine, religion, and philosophy has a huge impact on the whole world. Although this is short essay on indian culture essay on Indian culture, short essay on indian culture person may find something new short essay on indian culture interesting for him. So, short essay on indian culture, continue reading. India is one of the oldest civilizations, short essay on indian culture.

One may find this country to be highly populated. India belongs to the most religiously diverse countries in the world. This huge country along with cultural diversity possesses geographical characteristics. Climate in India is also extremely different. Scarcely any country in the world may compete in its cultural mixture with India. Religion in India. Four religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism were born in India. In this country a person may found people of different faiths.

Religion in India is a significant part of its culture. One may be confused how people of different faiths may live in peace and harmony. The Constitution of India made it possible. Religious tolerance in India was established by custom and law. The Constitution declared the principle of freedom of religion.

This matter supports the freedom of individual or community to believe in any teaching. Some say that Christianity in India as old as Christianity itself. This fact is striking. History asserts that Apostle Thomas instituted Christianity in the 1st century AD.

According to the census ofthere are Traditional Cultural Values. This subject is significant. If a person is writing any essay on Indian culture, he should mention this brilliant ritual. To traditional cultural values in India belongs one special value different from others: touching feet of elders. Younger people and children show respect and honor to elders.

Essay on honor completely reveals honor theme. It is a common gesture to touch feet of elders in India. Nevertheless, one important thing related to this tradition is that a person whose feet one touches must be superior in age or spiritually accomplished. Namaste is the first word a person hears when step up into India. This is traditional Indian greeting. This feature also belongs to traditional cultural values.

Family Structure. Traditional Indian family is joint family. It means that more than one generation live in one house. To live under the one roof is a unique experience for a person.

The grandfather is the main authority in family matters. Although this tradition is old and makes family ties close, it breaks up. Most people in India turn to nuclear family system. Both family systems are vital for India.

Joint family reminds people their traditions while nuclear family helps them to move forward. Marriage in India. From ages in India prevailed arranged marriage. It may sound strange especially for people from West countries. Today in India many young people have their marriages planned by parents. What is short essay on indian culture, the young do not protest. Despite debatable opinions according this issue, short essay on indian culture, there short essay on indian culture many advantages of such a marriage.

Young people may enjoy their youth and do not worry of relationships that come about. Even though the tradition of arranged marriage is old, the evolution of time has already corrected it. Now in India a girl and a boy are asked whether they agree to marry or not, short essay on indian culture.

Since Indian society has undergone huge changes, love marriage becomes a new system of marriage. The divorce rate in India is low.

One may clarify main features of divorce issue in essay about divorce. Wedding Rituals. Wedding in India is one of the brightest festivals in the country. All the elements of ceremony depend on the preferences of groom and bride. In India a person may count for about ten millions weddings each year.

Most of them are Hindu weddings. Indian Cuisine. This country is a wonderful place for food. Its cuisine is diverse no less than India. The way of cooking and taste of dishes make Indian cuisine different from other. The way one dish is cooked depends on the region where it is made. Indian people usually add many spices and herbs, mix different food, cook meat and vegetarian dishes. The main elements of Indian dishes are wheat, rice, and chana.

Sweets are also very popular. Curry is common dish in India. Indian clothing style is different in every region. People wear traditional cloth as well as modern. During festive occasions people put on traditional clothing. Thus, people cover the body of a newborn child with langotas and loincloths.

Traditional dress for women is sari, and dhorti for men. Earrings, bangles, and other jewelry are common among women. If you have never been to India, you might see it in Indian movies.

Red bindi in India traditionally was worn by married women, and colored bindi by single ladies. Dance and Music. These two items are integral parts of every culture. Folk dances in the country have numerous styles. Local traditions have shaped their own idea of a dance. Indian dance is the expression of inner beauty.

Each gesture tells some idea. Some people say that music in India exists from the beginning of its culture. Indian people usually use drums and cymbals for producing music, short essay on indian culture. Different forms of music reflect the culture of the nation.

Every year in India one can attend numerous music festivals which speak about musical culture. If you are intersted in this theme, surely you would like to read about musical festivals around the world. Do not forget that you can easily make an order on our site. Whether one needs to check his mistakes or write, for example, essay on Indian culture and heritage. Make your first order and get the ability to save some money.

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Essay About Indian Culture: Brief Overview |

short essay on indian culture

 · The Indian Culture and Traditions Essay elaborated on the variety of traditions and cultures followed by people in India. India is a country of having many cultures, traditions, and religions that made people living in a peaceful, colorful, rich, and diverse nation. It is unbelievable that different directions of India like north, south, east, and west have their own cultures and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins  · Indian Culture: Short Essay on Indian Culture. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On March 8, By Ananda. Indian culture comprises of all the unique and stand out cultures in India. It comprises of various characteristics including the food, religion, art, languages and so many other blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min When writing an essay on Indian culture, one should place a special emphasis on cultural values. A truly unique Indian tradition is touching feet of elders. This way, young people show their reverence to elders. However, the person whose feet one touches should be older or have significant spiritual blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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