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Just walk on by essay

Just walk on by essay

just walk on by essay

 · Morgan Allen Ms. Mayo ENG 30 October Just Walk on By In Brent Staples’ essay, “Just Walk on By” the author describes his experiences, feelings, and reactions towards the discrimination he has faced throughout his life as a black man. Staples describes several different personal experiences of when he felt that he had been judged or discriminated against by other Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins In his essay, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Ability to Alter Public Space” Brent Staples analyzes the effects An Analysis of Forced Assimilation in the Essays by Manuel Munoz and Brent Staples view essay example Just Walk on By 2 Pages. Forced Assimilation In “Leave Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Munoz and “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter In "Just Walk on By" by Brent Staples, the author describes the reactions of people walking on streets in response to seeing an approaching black man of the author's appearance. Staples begins by describing the first time he had noticed a negative reaction to his presence when a young woman ran away from him while he was walking casually behind her almost a block away. At this moment, Staples

"Just Walk on by" - Brent Staples Example | Graduateway

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. In the essay Just walk on by, author Brent Staples shares his experiences of living with the prejudged notion that he is someone to be feared because he is different from his peers. Brent Staples grew up in the small town of Chester, Pennsylvania where he was an outsider.

He caught on to something that most of his friends probably had never thought about before or even felt that they had the right to think about. Somewhere along the line of his child hood Staples chose to rise above the normality of his just walk on by essay. Don't use plagiarized sources. He decided to be a dreamer, however; when his dreams came true Staples quickly learned that changing the way he felt about himself internally did not mean that people would overlook judgment on what they saw externally.

I chose, perhaps even unconsciously, to remain a shadow—timid, but a survivor. Staples might make his mother proud but his intellect and charm is not noticed by the women he has encountered in his new life. They seem to set their faces on neutral and, with their purse straps strung across their chests bandolier style, they forge ahead as though bracing themselves against being talked, just walk on by essay.

Being a forced suspect has caused him to observe and pay extra attention to the reactions of women around him. He focuses a lot of energy on pointing out the negative. This stereo-type that has been thrust upon him might have caused him to become paranoid and perhaps over analyze situations.

In his essay Staples does not necessarily state why people cast judgment upon him but as I read between the lines it was clear that the harsh treatment he received was engendered by a stereo type that was placed on his ethnic group. At a first glance from a distance, people only see a black man, which instills great fear in people because being a person of color meant you were potentially dangerous to society. Why were people of color marked as dangerous? Perhaps because at the time Americans were mechanical and routine and there was only one right way, one right color.

People were probably surprised to see him holding a briefcase on his way to the office and wonder just walk on by essay black me can really do what everybody else can and perhaps even better. Brent Staples has gone through a lot of hardship because of the color of his skin. It seems like he has made tenacious attempts throughout his life to become something else something better than what people see him as.

He had to lose himself to be able to move forward yet he still does not receive the respect that he is deserving of. While Staples is riding in his car at night, police officers do not see a successful journalist.

All people really see is a black man; all they see is danger, a big red hazard sign to society. I am somewhat relatable to Staples.

I am an 18 year old young woman; most lower class Mexicans in my town assume I am white or European because of my light complexion and hazel eyes. They also assume that I come from a wealthy family because of my taste in clothes. I am often disliked by the girls in my town because I am different than them. Like Staples I look different, dress different, and behave different than the girls in my neighborhood. Fortunately my grandmother worked extremely hard to provide a better life for my sisters and me so that we would be able to rise above the standards of our society.

Girls in my neighborhood judge me and think that my family is wealthy or that I am spoiled because of my styles and aspirations. They do not know that the only thing that was given to me was bare necessities and those were always generic brand things.

Since the age of 14, anything that I have possessed that is beyond the simplicity or tackiness in my neighborhood I have had to work for, just walk on by essay. However, I have noticed that middle class people can tell right away that I am not like them. I have also had instances where people that I believed were my friends have given me rides home, as soon as they caught on to where they were taking me they would ask if they could drop me off on the cross street so that they do not have to enter the danger zone.

They mark my home as dangerous and not good enough which somehow transfers onto their opinion about me. I think that is unfair because Just walk on by essay am a hardworking student and a good person.

Anyone has the power to change. So what do we do, is the question that Brent Staples is posing in his essay. What do we do as minorities? We can change our appearance and strive for success, we can even become journalists in the world renowned newspapers but even that will not guarantee acceptance from society, just walk on by essay. We might always be stuck in bear country and like Staples have to figure out ways to maneuver around the awkwardness that comes with being different.

Staples showed that he was so cautious not to just walk on by essay anyone by his actions and he augmented his freeness into daily routines to keep him out of trouble. Perhaps he might regret not living free, just walk on by essay, after all he deserved it. Staples is telling us to be free, he is telling us that everyone has an equal right just walk on by essay be prideful in his or her own achievements.

And most of all, that people should not allow themselves to be categorized by others, just walk on by essay. Take a stand and be different, really different. Accessed May 31, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. See Pricing. What's Your Topic? Hire a Professional Writer Now. The input space is limited by symbols. What's Your Deadline?

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just walk on by essay

In his essay, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space”, Brent Staples uses the rhetorical strategies of anecdote and diction in order to convey his message that due to racial discrimination black people (mainly men) have to change the way they naturally conduct themselves in public for they run the risk of something terrible happening to them. Staples uses In his essay, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Ability to Alter Public Space” Brent Staples analyzes the effects An Analysis of Forced Assimilation in the Essays by Manuel Munoz and Brent Staples view essay example Just Walk on By 2 Pages. Forced Assimilation In “Leave Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Munoz and “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Brent Staples’ essay Just Walk on By (New York: blogger.comne, ) was is an autobiographical description and illustration on how racial stereotypes affect the word we live in. today. Staples went through many incidents throughout his life where he had to deal with people’s reaction to him being an African American male. in today's society. “ My first victim was womanwhite, well

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