Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay war

Essay war

essay war

If war is necessary, it is a necessary evil. Its evil is sometimes concealed for a time by its glamour and excitement but when war is seen in its reality, there is a little glory about it. At its best, it is hideous calamity. It brings in awful loss of life. In recent great wars, millions of men, women and children were killed, many died of diseases, famines and untold blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min Dec 10,  · War is a phenomenon of organized violent conflict, typified by extreme aggression, societal disruption and adaptation, and high mortality. Usually a war is a pre-planned activity to begin with by one group or one nation and the group initiates the war by means of violence against the other Words Short Essay on war: a blot on humanity. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: There is a common saying that war is never good, peace is never bad. But if we look back into the history of mankind, it will be cleared that there have been wars since prehistoric ages. Although attempts have been made to abolish it, success has not been achieved so blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Definition Of War, Essay Sample

No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and ruin in its wake. One has only to look back to the havoc that was wrought in various countries not many years ago, in essay war to estimate the destructive effects of war. A particularly disturbing side of modern wars is that they essay war to become global so that they may engulf the entire world.

But there are people who consider war as something grand and heroic and regard it as something that brings out the best in men, but this does not alter the fact that war is a terrible, dreadful calamity.

This is especially so now that a war will now be fought with atom bombs. Some people say war is necessary, essay war. A glance at the past history will tell that war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of nation.

No period in world history has been the devastating effects of war. We have had wars of all types long and short. In view of this it seems futile to talk of permanent and everlasting peace or to make plans for the establishment of eternal peace. We have had advocates of non violence and the theory of the brotherhood of man. We have had the Buddha, Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. But in spite of that, weapons have always been used, military force has always been employed, clashes of arms have always occurred; war has always been waged.

War has indeed been such a marked feature of every age and period that it has come to be regarded As part of the normal life of nations. Poets and prophets have dreamt of a millennium, a utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth.

But these dreams have not been fulfilled. After the Great War ofit was thought that there would be no war for a long time to come and an institution called the League of Nations was essay war as a safeguard against the outbreak of war. The occurrence of another warhowever, conclusively proved that to think of an unbroken peace is to be unrealistic And that no institution or assembly can ever ensure the permanence of peace.

The League of Nations collapsed completely under the tensions and stresses created by Hitler. The United Nations Organization with all the good work that It has been doing is not proving as effective as was desired.

Large numbers of Wars, the most recent ones being the one in Vietnam, the other between India and Pakistan, essay war, or indo-china War, Iran-Iraq war or Arab Israel war, have been fought despite the UN. The fact of the matter is that fighting in a natural instinct in essay war. When individuals cannot live always in peace, essay war, it is, indeed, too much to expect so many nations to live in a state of Eternal peace.

Besides, there will always be wide differences of opinion between various nation, different angles of looking at matters that have international importance, radical difference in policy and ideology and these cannot be settled by mere discussions. So resort to war becomes necessary in such circumstances.

Before the outbreak of World War II, for instance, the spread of Communism in Russia created distrust and suspicion in Europe, essay war, democracy was an eyesore to Nazi Germany, British Conservatives were apprehensive of the possibility of Britain going Communist. In essay war, the political ideology of one country being abhorrent to other times were certainly not conducive to the continuance of peace.

Add to all this the traditional enemities between essay war and international disharmony that have their roots in past history.

For example, essay war, Germany wished to avenge the humiliating terms imposed upon her at the conclusion of the war of and desired to smash the British Empire and establish an empire of her own.

Past wounds, in fact, were not healed up and goaded it to take revenge. A feverish arms race was going on between the hostile nations in anticipation of such an eventuality, and disarmament efforts were proving futile. The Indo-Pakistan essay war was fought over the Kashmir issue. The war in Vietnam Was due to ideological differences. It also appears that if peace were to continue for a long period, people would become sick of the monotony of life and would seek war for a changed man is a highly dynamic creature and it seems that he cannot remain contented merely with works of peace-the cultivation of arts, essay war, the development of material comforts, the extension of knowledge, the means and appliances of a happy life.

He wants something thrilling and full of excitement and he fights in order to get an outlet for his accumulated energy.

It must be admitted, too, that war Has essay war good side. It spurs men to heroism and self-sacrifice. Essay war is an incentive to scientific research and development. War is obviously an escape from the lethargy of peace. Skip essay war content. My Hobby Essay in English February 21, Freedom From Fear by Essay war San Suu Kyi November 24, My House Essay in English January 5, Capital Punishment Essay August 7, essay war, A Visit to a Park in English December 13, A Day at the Beach Essay December 13, essay war, Essay on Peacock November 12, Essay on GST in English in Simple Language February 8, Short Paragraph on When I Missed My School Bus February essay war, Type your search.

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Essay On War And Peace | English Summary

essay war

If war is necessary, it is a necessary evil. Its evil is sometimes concealed for a time by its glamour and excitement but when war is seen in its reality, there is a little glory about it. At its best, it is hideous calamity. It brings in awful loss of life. In recent great wars, millions of men, women and children were killed, many died of diseases, famines and untold blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min Essay On World War 1. World war 1 had a big impact on society. You may ask yourself, what caused world war 1. More importantly the factors that caused it. The growth and outpouring of nationalism in Europe in the ’s and early ’s is the overall cause of the first world war. It impacted most,if not all, of the causes of the war The best short articles and essays on war -- great war reporting from around the net War Reporting M by John Sack A stark portrayal of a company of young soldiers preparing for war in Vietnam and what they found when they arrived. Blackhawk Down by Mark Bowden A classic series of articles about the catastrophic US attack in Mogadishu that gave

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